
Breastfeeding conjures up the most wonderful images: mother and child skin-to-skin, rocking, bonding, nurturing and growing together. If you breastfeed your baby -- and most mothers will want to try -- you may get to this point. The truth, however, is that it will probably take some persistence and the path is not always smooth. It takes time and patience to learn to breastfeed -- for you and your baby.

Of course, plenty of mother find breastfeeding to be the easiest thing in the world. But others consider quitting before they've given themselves and their babies chance to get good at it. This special section is designed to help you hang in there -- both yo and Baby will be glad you did.

Why Breastfeed?

Because it's worth it. The American Academy of Pediatrics is so gung-ho on the health benefits of breastfeeding that they recommend mothers nurse their infants for the entire first year of life, if not longer. Human milk contains the ideal proportions of more than two hundred ingredients -- including protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and antibodies -- that aren't duplicated in any more

The Techniques

Just like any other skill, proper technique is important to successful breastfeeding. Getting it right makes all the difference in your comfort level and your baby's being adequately nourished. Here are the basics for beginners -- they may seem challenging at first, but a month into the process, you probably won't even have to think about more

Latching on and Unlatching

One of the most challenging aspects for novice breastfeeeders is getting Baby onto the breast correctly. He's/She's born with a rooting reflex that makes him/her turn toward the breast and open his mouth, and a sucking reflex that's activated when the nipple touches the roof of his/her mouth. But none of this matters if he/she doesn't grasp the breast more